Thursday, March 12, 2009
sorry for the delay
Friday, February 20, 2009
Testing Information
- Yellow - Kicks & Horseback Stance Drills
- Green - Forms
- Blue - Self Defense
- Red - Combination Kicks
A more detailed list of the requirements for each rank advancement follows:
White to Yellow IYellow I to Yellow II
Yellow II to Green I
Green I to Green II
Green II to Blue I
Blue I to Blue II
Blue II to Red I
Red I to Red II
Red II to Brown
Black Belt
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Black Belt
- why do you want to be a Black Belt
- have you paid your dues to be a Black Belt, if so how
- what does it mean to become a Black Belt
- What short term, intermediate and long term goals have you set for yourself as a Black Belt
II. All the hand techniques from horse back stance and oblique stance
III. All Stationary Kicks
IV. All Previous Forms plus Koryo
V. Self Defense
- All One Step Defences
- Escapes, Holds, and Counters for; 1Wrist grabs, 2Shoulder grabs, 3Hair grabs, 4Choke holds(front and back), 5Bear hugs(front and back, arms pinned and free), 6Head locks, 7Front face locks, 8Full nelsons, 9Shove defense, and 10Tackle defense
- Escapes done blindfolded
- Holds and counters done with control
- all throws and take downs
- Grappling skills to include execution, escapes, and finishing techniques
- Defense against multiple attackers
VI. All Previous Combination Kicks
VII. Breaking Technique
- 3 two board stations for kicks
- 1 three board station for kicks
- one brick (palm thrust or hammer fist)
Red II to Brown
- jab, cross, hook, uppercut
- jab, cross, uppercut, hook
- jab, uppercut, hook, cross
- jab, hook, uppercut, cross
II. Form
- Palwgae Chil Jang
- Palwgae Pal Jang
III. Destruction Techniques
- O/I cross palm block with a judo knuckle nerve strike, while executing oblique kick to shin. Then from right front stance execute scissors arm bar, turn sharp strike with palm heel to floating ribs. Reverse action with palm heel thrust to occipital ridge. Finish with a sweep and stomp.
- Slip back into cat stance while executing slap block and elbow strike to opponent's fist. then step forward to the out side and use a nerve strike to bicep, followed with knife hand strike to neck while simultaneously trapping arm behind opponents back. Grabbing by belt and hair execute knee strike to face and throw forward and down.
- Slip to out side and execute a high X block jamming your opponent. Grab with top hand turn into an out ward elbow strike to floating ribs. Quickly exchange hands, turn forward with O/I fore arm smash. Then slide bottom hand behind opponents back and your upper hand behind the neck and execute knee strike. Finish with a forward throw onto face.
- (against a hook punch) execute an I/O fore arm block while simultaneously striking with a rising ridge hand to the groin. Then slip both hands to opponents back and drive a knee strike to abdomen. Follow that with downward elbow strikes to back, finish with another knee strike to face.
- (against a hook punch) execute an I/O fore arm block and grab opponent's wrist while striking a rising ridge hand strike to the groin. Then turn opponents palm up locking arm while ducking under arm. Follow by putting your other arm across his opposite shoulder and use your neck and shoulders to bar and break opponents arm. Finish with a clutch sleeper hold.
- (against a hook punch) dive both hands over opponents attacking arm. Trap arm and front face lock opponents head while executing knee strikes to opponent to soften him up. Finish with a twirling neck breaker, arm bar.
- (against a hook punch) execute an I/O block while simultaneously O/I knife hand strike to the neck. Then use blocking hand to knife hand strike other side of neck. Next use Muai Thai style neck grab, and execute knee strikes, head butt, and finish with circle take down to break neck.
V. Combination Kick
- jump front snap, jump round house, jump spin side
- jump round house, jump spin side, jump round house
- jump spin side, jump round house, jump spin side
- jump round house, jump round house, jump round house
VI. Breaking Technique
- spinning heel
Red I to Red II
- jab
- cross
- hook
- uppercut
II. Stationary Kicks
- spin crescent
- spin heel
- jump round house
- jump front snap
III. Form
- Palwgae Yuk Jang
IV. Self Defense
- front mount
- rear mount
- side mount
- guard
- half guard
V. Combination Kicks
- I/O crescent, spin crescent, jump round house
- back leg side kick, spin heel left and right sides
- O/I axe, spin crescent, jump round house
- step spin hook, slide side, jump spin side
VI. Breaking Technique
- O/I crescent or jump front snap
Blue II to Red I
I. Hand Techniques
- palm heel block, spear thrust
- C punch
- I/O support block
- rear elbow strike/over the shoulder punch
- 6 strike(with target identification
II. Stationary Kicks
- I/O crescent
- O/I crescent
- fake crescent into side kick
- front leg push kick
III. Form
- Palwgae O Jang
IV. One Step Self Defense
- inside grapevine take down
- out side grapevine take down
- hip toss (and variations)
- double leg take down
V. Combination Kicks
- I/O crescent, spin side, jump round house
- O/I crescent, jump round house, spin side
- O/I crescent, tornado crescent
VI. Breaking Technique
- jump spin side
Blue I to Blue II
- O/I back fist
- I/O back fist
- scissors block
- cliff block
- diamond block
II. Stationary Kicks
- I/O axe
- O/I axe
- front leg hook/round
- rear leg hook/round
III. Form
- Palwgae Sa Jang
IV. Self Defense
- scissors block vs. 2 opponents with counters
- cliff block vs. 2 opponents with counters
- circle arm drag take down
- Muai Thai style neck harness take down
- single leg take down
V. Combination Kicks
- front leg hook/round, O/I axe, jump spin side
- front leg double round, slide double side, jump spin side
- rear leg hook/round slide double side, jump spin side
- O/I axe, slide double side, jump spin side
- I/O axe, rear leg hook/round, jump spin side
VI. Breaking Technique
- O/I axe or I/O axe
Green II to Blue I
I. Hand techniques
- All previous hand techniques in oblique stance
- upward palm heel, reverse punch, O/I back fist(combo)
II. Stationary Kicks
- rear leg hook
- rear leg hasang
- front leg side, rear leg hasang
- front leg round house, rear leg hook
III. Form
- Palwgae Sam Jang
IV. One Step Defenses
- all blocks left and right
- Apply all hand techniques and kicks from one step defense
V. Combination Kicks
- rear leg hasang, spin side, round house
- rear leg hook, spin side, round house
- rear leg round house, spin side, hasang
- rear leg round house, spin side, hook
- rear leg hook, spin side, hasang
VI. Breaking Technique
- front leg hook kick
Green I to Green II
- O/I ridge hand
- I/O ridge hand
- high block
- X block
- ridge hand, back fist, palm heel low block, high block(combo)
II. Stationary Kicks
- front leg hook
- front leg snap round
- front leg hook, rear leg spin side
- front leg snap round, rear leg spin side
III. Form
- palwhae E jang
IV. One Step Defenses
- evade or slip left, high block
- evade or slip right, high block
- evade or slip left, X block
- evade or slip right, X block
- 8 directional blocking
V. Combination Kicks
- back leg front snap, round house, spin side
- back leg round house, spin side round house
- spin side, round house, spin side
- front leg hook, spin side, round house
- front leg snap round, spin side, round house
VI. Breaking Technique
- front snap kick or palm thrust
Yellow II to Green I
I. Hand Techniques
- All previous techniques in oblique stance
- fore arm smash
- fore arm smash, I/O knife hand, palm thrust(combo)
II. Stationary Kicks
- front and back leg front snap
- front and back leg round house
- front and back leg side kick
III. Form
- palwgae IL jang
IV. One Step Defense
for each of these, use any slip and block and then follow with;
- palm thrust
- tiger claw
- hammer fist
- forearm smash
- elbow strike
- I/O knife hand strike
- O/I knife hand strike
V. Combonation Kicks
- offensive 180 round house, spin side
- step sin side, round house
- front leg round house, spin side
- front leg side kick, back leg round house
VI. Breaking Technique
- spin side
Yellow I to Yellow II
- inside to outside knife hand strike
- outside to inside knife hand strike
- inside to outside forearm block
- outside to inside forearm block
- hammer fist, elbow strike, palm thrust(combo)
- Six directional blocking
- back fist, reverse punch(combo)
II. Stationary Kicks(rear leg)
- Front snap
- round house
- side kick
- spin side
III. Form
- Kicho
IV. One Step Self Defense(vs. left and right punch)
- evade or slip right, inside out block
- evade or slip right, outside in block
- evade or slip left, inside out block
- evade or slip left, outside in block
V. Combination Kicks(all back leg kicks)
- front snap, round house
- round house, round house
- spin side, round house
- round house, round house
VI. Breaking Technique
- sliding side kick
white to yellow I
- punch
- palm thrust
- hammer fist
- tiger claw
- elbow strike
- low block
II. Stationary Kicks(front leg)
- front snap
- round house
- side kick
- oblique kick
- knee smash
III. Form
- four corners
IV. Self Defense(escapes, counters, and holds)
- wrist grabs
- shoulder grabs
- hair grabs
V. Combination Kicks
- front leg front snap, back leg front snap
- front leg round house, step on round house
- side kick, sliding side kick
VI. Breaking Technique(one board)
- palm thrust or side kick