It's rumored that Chuck Norris's tears can cure cancer. Too bad Chuck Norris has never cried.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New year

Its a new year and we all have work to do. Its very easy with the cold to want to stay inside and veg on the couch. Well don't! Find some thing creative to do. Read a book. Do your home work. Clean your room. Practice your Tae Kwon Do. In and of it self there is noting wrong with the television. But like any thing else, if used to excess it can be bad for you. My sister was in the hospital once preparing for brain surgery and the doctors had 50 or more sensors place directly to her brain so they could monitor brain activity and function. Our family went to visit as a group(we nearly got kicked out for there being to many of us making to much noise). We all got into the habit of watching the monitor to see what her brain was doing. We were slightly amazed at what we saw. While we where siting around talking her brain was fairly active but, when we turned on the TV to watch a movie(had to get quiet or get kicked out) her brain nearly shut down. what had been a screen full of wavy lines, became a screen of nearly completely flat lines. Her brain was less active while watching TV than it was when she was asleep. And what, you may ask, triggered the most activity? Laughter. When she laughed the monitor went crazy. So in this new year, commit to going and doing, not siting and watching.

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