It's rumored that Chuck Norris's tears can cure cancer. Too bad Chuck Norris has never cried.

Friday, December 19, 2008

play day

This Saturday, the 20th, from 10:00 until 2:00 we will be having a play day. Come have some fun, hang out, eat, what ever. Should be fun for every one. Tuesday, class will be out Christmas party. Once again should be fun. Be there, be square, or beware.

Monday, December 15, 2008

no class

Just a reminder that during bad weather, the general rule is that if school is canceled, class at Piasa will be canceled. Hope your all safe and warm.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Better sooner than later.

As discussed in class recently, we will be phasing out our cloth pads. So it would be a good idea to get your own soon. Having your own head gear, chest protector and, gloves(for karate) would be a good idea too. Having your own gear saves time in class and is more sanitary than sharing with everyone. And for those of you planning on tournament training and competition, having your own equipment is almost a must. Christmas is a great time to ask for the things you need. It does take time for orders to come in so you should tell someone soon that you would like it if you could get new gear for Christmas.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope you all have a good Thanksgiving. Take some time to have a quiet moment and reflect on all the things you have to be thankful for. We live in a great nation where we take for granted many freedoms that others only dream of. There are very few that have the luxuries we have. We have been blessed and should give thanks. So whether you want to stop and say a prayer, or simply tell your parents that you appreciate the things they do for you, find some way to show that you know you are lucky. You will feel better for it. Don't forget to practice on this long week end, as there will not be class until next week.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Test this Saturday

If you are planning to test be ready for this Saturday. We have been working on validating in class for a couple weeks now and you should be aware of the things you need to practice on to be ready. The test is for all ages and ranks and will begging at 9:00am. You should show up early to fill out paper work and to warm yourself up. Come ready to impress and remember the 5 P's.

Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Preformance!

Friday, October 10, 2008

October News Letter

Oct 4th : 9-10 am / Red, Brown, & Black Belt class.
10-11 am / Sparring class
6 pm / St. Ambrose Demonstration

11th : 9-10 am / Red, Brown, & Black Belt class.
10-11 am/ Demo practice
11-12 am / Sparring class

18th : 10am- noon /Stick weapon class
(Beginners $35)
(intermediates $25)

24th : Halloween Overnighter $25
Drop off at 9pm / pick up at 8am

25th : No classes

Remember the Promotion Test coming on Saturday November 8th. All ranks and ages. test starts at 9am.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Come find us!

68 E. Elm st.
Alton IL

Phone #
(618) 465-8914

Monday, August 18, 2008

Class Schedule and Cost

Mighty Mights
(Age 6 and under)
Tuesday & Thursday
5:30 - 6:00 p.m.

Junior Beginning
(Age 6 - 12)
Tuesday & Thursday
6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Junior Advanced
(Age 6 - 12)
Tuesday & Thursday
7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Teens & Adults all Ranks
Monday & Wednesday
6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Family Rate
1st full price
Each Additional Family Member 1/2 price


Tuesday, August 12, 2008


There will be a test this saterday Aujust the 16. Be sure you practice and are ready to so us your best.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Johnny Hatten

This is Johnny. He does cool jumping kicks, but makes silly faces when he does them.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Piasa Martial Arts "Student Pledge"

  • I promise to respect the instructor and all senior ranks.
  • I promise to NEVER misuse my Tae Kwon Do.
  • I promise to obey the Tenants of Tae Kwon DO.
  • I promise to be a champion of freedom.
  • I promise to help build a more peaceful world.

The Tenants of Tae Kwon Do

  • Courtesy
  • Integrity
  • Perseverance
  • Self Control
  • Indomitable Spirit